what should you be scoring on kaplan trainers to pass nclex
Those who passed, how were your scores on UWorld?
What were your Overall Operation scores? Percentile Rank?
Taking my NCLEX in a week. Would dearest some indication that I got this!
My scores were subpar. I was scoring mid 50'southward and depression lx's and rarely a 43%. I scored in the 42nd percentile and overall 53% with 475 questions left to spare.
I passed with 108questions. Trust UWORLD and review the rationale.
To me, UWORLD was far more challenging than the actual NCLEX. I couldn't tell the difficult questions from the difficult ones because to me they were all sorta piece of cake. I receive a WHOLE TON of select all that employ (which is some other indicator of you lot doing well)...
Then effort not to stress UWORLD is a great tool to prepare yourself.
QBank: 68-69%, 96-97th Rank Overall [Median Score 48th rank]
* 2,436 Total Questions + 150 from 2x Assessments
- 120 questions unused
- Actual Dedicated studying: approx. i month
ii-Weeks Prior to NCLEX Test, took a 75 question Practice test each morning time
- 75 question Mixed Question Block :
Finish of Jan Showtime: 61.three% [Ave. 50%]
2x days prior to Test: 88% [Ave. 50%]
* Average of all 75 quesiton exercise tests: 72.81%
Assessment 1: 61%; Very High
Assesment 2: 72%; Very High
NCLEX @ 82-85 questions
Equally many have posted in previous threads, the rationales are key - read & learn both right and incorrect. Use the performance data to see what subject area matter y'all need to amend on and spend time doing those and testing on the missed categories. Your test taking abilites volition drastically improve with both SATA & MC questions. The Exam Analysis results will show you what areas are more than heavily focused on, equally shown past the sections that have more than questions.
EVERY persons NCLEX experience will vary and is very random in regards to how y'all are tested. Look into True cat for how the test analyzises are you progress.
MAJOR point: Y'all KNOW ALL THIS! Be thou% Confident that you volition Laissez passer!
The nursing plan + scientific discipline courses accept covered each of the topics/areas/terms . . . This is a detailed refresher/tutor. Stay focused & don't lose hope. The NCLEX will be a breeze if y'all put in the work through UWorld. Virtually volition say I over did it, in my opinion, no such thing.
YOU Tin & Volition Laissez passer !!!
^ From a previous post but idea it might assist . . . . Good Luck!
nlnx866399 wrote:
What were your Overall Functioning scores? Percentile Rank?
Taking my NCLEX in a week. Would love some indication that I got this!
cjrj447996 wrote:
nlnx866399 wrote:
What were your Overall Functioning scores? Percentile Rank?
Taking my NCLEX in a calendar week. Would beloved some indication that I got this!
How did you exercise and what were your averaging scores ( take mine in a week)
edited by on five/31/2019
nlnx866399 wrote:
What were your Overall Operation scores? Percentile Rank?
Taking my NCLEX in a calendar week. Would dearest some indication that I got this!
I started out with mid 50s to mid 60s and kept that tendency all the mode through. My overall percentile was 63rd. I passed in 75 qs
My overall performance score is in the 72nd percentile--I got 60% of the test bank questions right. I was studying for a solid ii months, but perhaps sat down and really hammered in the information for one.5 months (Im talking 10 hour days at a time, maybe more).
Unused: eighty questions
My assessment 1: I scored 55%, was borderline take chances of passing, and to be honest, that's considering I took the test at 11pm after studying the whole twenty-four hours and thought I had enough energy to score well--existent dumb on my function lol. I took this assessment five days earlier my exam
I never bothered to take assessment 2 because I was confident at this point. I was scoring around threescore-seventy% on my assessments (granted, my "assessments" were thirty questions at a time AT Virtually because thats how I felt I retained the data meliorate, and wasn't overwhelmed). Sometimes I scored 100's, occasional 80, mostly threescore-70's though.
I took the exam and did the entire 265 questions! My weakest expanse was pharmacology and EKG. Suffice to say, my entire exam was based on those two topics. I received maybe around 35 SATA, twenty pharm, a few OBGYN, (no peds, maybe 5 mental health), A LOT of priority and ECG readings, and honestly, a LOT of questions I never heard of. UWorld was good as far as seeing a similar formatting on the exam and helping you sharpen your emptying skills...but id say 75% of my exam was sentence and disquisitional thinking. Therefore, a lot of content i studied on Uworld wasn't too helpful. I was shocked because I clearly did well on the written report site, but come up the examination, I was bombarded with a lot of content I never heard of. Uworld in my stance, was a lot easier than the examination. Perhaps its because I sat for the entire 265 questions and i was dull come 150, merely I thought it was really hard. I left the examination site disheartened convinced I failed. Alas, I didn't and 2 weeks subsequently, received my license number! And then honestly, the test comes downwards to nursing judgement and ability to critical think. Use uworld equally a guide, only NOT recollect. Uworld was FAR EASIER than the examination
edited past on 10/24/2019
I was averaging around 60s-70s and I finished the whole question bank. It really helped a lot to finish it. I took two of the assessments and got a loftier chance of passing on both. I passed the NCLEX with 265 questions. I would say the questions on the NCLEX is a lot similar to uworld. Uworld I think is harder. I knew I kept forgetting some of the stuff I studied for that'southward why I know why I reached to 265. Study all the rationales on uworld and finish the test bank information technology volition definitely ameliorate your examination scores.
I started actually using UWORLD earlier I graduated in September. I took a few questions here and there but wasn't invested due to trying to graduate and my senior practicum. My get-go exam I got 42%. I remembered that I learn all-time when I write and read the rationales and so I went dorsum to what helped me through nursing school. After that my scores increased and ranged from 57% - 74%. The 74% I aspect to really practiced guessing btw. My performance was 56% and I did just shy of 1500 questions. A few tips I tin recommend:
take notes using UWORLD
use the pictures as flashcards
write rationales for ALL answers write or incorrect - tin help you lot with another question
have the questions yous got wrong and do them again - a few days after
I took my assessment iii days before the NCLEX. I figured I would be scoring a depression 60 on the assessment based on how I was doing with the questions. I got a 54% and freaked out. I searched all forums regarding passing the NCLEX and how the scores correlate to passing or failing. I was completely consumed others input which in turn fabricated me a nervous crying wreck for 48 hours. Feet was through the roof to the indicate of can't eat can't sleep stuff. For the next two days I reviewed rationales and looked at the pictures I used for flashcards even though everyone says to chill out the days leading upwards to your exam.
On October 17, 20109 I questioned every reply and hoped that the examination would shut off in 75. When information technology went to 76 I told myself to settle in, its goin to exist a long road. The test cut off at 78 and immediate relief that it was over. Found out I passed the night I went to piece of work when I checked my email and my license had been issued from the state Best advice review rationales daily and accept questions daily to get in the mindset for the NCLEX.
[i simply took the self assessment and got a 61% when the average was 56% and it said i had a low hazard of passing. Why?
quote=yntd938570]QBank: 68-69%, 96-97th Rank Overall [Median Score 48th rank]
* ii,436 Full Questions + 150 from 2x Assessments
- 120 questions unused
- Bodily Dedicated studying: approx. ane calendar month
2-Weeks Prior to NCLEX Exam, took a 75 question Practice test each morning
- 75 question Mixed Question Block :
End of January Offset: 61.3% [Ave. 50%]
2x days prior to Exam: 88% [Ave. 50%]
* Average of all 75 quesiton practice tests: 72.81%
Assessment 1: 61%; Very Loftier
Assesment 2: 72%; Very Loftier
NCLEX @ 82-85 questions
Laissez passer
As many have posted in previous threads, the rationales are key - read & learn both correct and wrong. Use the performance data to see what subject matter you need to improve on and spend fourth dimension doing those and testing on the missed categories. Your test taking abilites will drastically better with both SATA & MC questions. The Test Analysis results will show you lot what areas are more heavily focused on, as shown by the sections that accept more questions.
EVERY persons NCLEX experience will vary and is very random in regards to how you are tested. Look into True cat for how the test analyzises are y'all progress.
MAJOR point: YOU KNOW ALL THIS! Be m% Confident that you will PASS!
The nursing program + science courses have covered each of the topics/areas/terms . . . This is a detailed refresher/tutor. Stay focused & don't lose hope. The NCLEX will be a breeze if yous put in the piece of work through UWorld. Nearly will say I over did it, in my opinion, no such thing.
You lot Can & Volition PASS !!!
^ From a previous post but thought it might help . . . . Skilful Luck![/quote]
Hi guys,
I took the NCLEX on Monday and passed in 75 questions. UWORLD is the only resource I used to study and completed ~ 1700 questions with an average of 70% at the end. Both self assessments gave me a very loftier chance of passing which eased some of my nerves. Anybody has a different written report manner and you lot should focus on what works for you - exist information technology question depository financial institution solitary, QB + Saunders/ HESI review/ notes/ etc. FOR ME -UWORLD was ample to laissez passer the NCLEX. YOU MUST READ and Empathise EVERY RATIONALE PROVIDED!! I felt like the NCLEX was exactly like UWORLD in terms of how the screen looked, which made the test go a little smoother. DON'T Be FOOLED: The NCLEX is definitely a challenging exam and I felt like I was failing the exam. However, I kept answering the questions to the best of my power and kept moving on. Half my exam was SATA so exist sure to exercise these questions offered by UWORLD. The more questions you get correct, the more SATA y'all will get on the exam and the more you feel similar y'all are failing, but keep your conviction, respond to the best of your ability, and go with your gut instinct!
nlnx866399 wrote:
What were your Overall Operation scores? Percentile Rank?
Taking my NCLEX in a week. Would love some indication that I got this!
How-do-you-do, I took my NCLEX June 18, 2021.
My UWORLD averaged 55% and I reviewed 57% of the content.
My Assessment #1 was a 65%, which was an indicator of a VERY loftier hazard of passing.
My Assessment #2 was a 61%, which was an indicator of a high chance of passing.
I took breaks and studied in my free time. I did non feel rushed or anxious to study and when I studied I reviewed every rationale, and spent special time on the wrong answers.
My Kaplan, which I barely used, was an boilerplate of 55%.
I only took examination trainers #ane-iii and my tests scores were 56%, 53%, and 56% respectively.
My Kaplan Secured Predictor was a 58% and my RN Readiness A was a 56%.
I never looked at the rationales on Kaplan because I felt like Uworld's were Then much better. I just used the trainers when I wanted to examination myself on what I learned in Uworld.
The matter that helped me the nearly (besides UWORLD of course) and the only thing I wrote downwards for my NCLEX on paper (because I LOATHE note-taking), was Mark Klimek. When he tells you something, take information technology as Gospel. He was an outstanding source on Spotify for me. I listened to a few of his lectures the few nights earlier I took my NCLEX to keep his tricks and subjects fresh in my mind. I retrieve you can discover it on Youtube as well.
I passed my NCLEX in 75 questions. And constitute out on June 17, 2021 that my license was posted on my state website. I also did the Pearson VUE Trick and it gave me the good popup. I did information technology about thirty minutes later I took my NCLEX. Cheers JESUS.
For those of you who are worried near non getting that 60% average or doing as well as all of your friends, don't worry. Y'all have got this. Don't compare yourself, just read your rationales and keep going. Don't stress out with studying, just review when y'all have the time to be able to read all of your rationales. Studying isn't well received without kickoff knowing why you got something wrong/right. Don't permit information technology become your life, and most importantly BREATHE and RELAX. Trust that God has your back. You are where you are supposed to be. God put you in this very position to be an influence to others, no matter the result. You are in God's Hands.
The song that I listened to driving to my NCLEX testing center was Be Alright- Evan Craft, Danny Gokey, Remidi2. Information technology helped me and so much to know that God has me no matter what happens.
I was scoring averages of 60% and in a higher place on 75q practice exams. I would do i of these everyday and review the information on missed and correct questions, using Saunders to read more in depth if need exist. I finished nigh 80% of the test banking concern and passed my NXLEX in 75 questions on June 22nd. I took notes every bit needed and only reviewed rationale. UWORLD is the style to go, sets you upward perfectly for the NCLEX.
pages: 1
Source: https://www.uworld.com/Forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=33440
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