Trails of Cold Steel Hashed Beef Rice

This is a list of recipes appearing in Trails of Cold Steel. A new mechanic introduced in these games is the different level of proficiency each character has when cooking a dish, depending on who you choose to do the cooking. Dishes can be the regular version, superb, peculiar or unique.

Dish Ingredients Type Dishes Effects Simple Omelet
お手軽オムレツ Fresh Egg x 1

Coarse Rock Salt x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Soft & Fluffy Omelet
The perfect omelet. Soft and fluffy outside, runny inside. Recovers 100 HP / Cures K.O Food Regular (Sen Item).png Simple Omelet
A plain and easy to make omelet. Recovers 600 HP Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Solid Omelet
Resembles an omelet, although it's far too chewy to be one. Recovers 400 HP / DEF +25% (3 turns) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Warm Egg Soup (Elliot)
A soup that warms you from head to toe from the first sip. Recovers 600 HP / STR +25% / Cures Freeze Sweet Cookie
スイートクッキー Fresh Egg x 1

Honey Syrup x 1

Hearty Powder x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Royal Sable
An elegant, fragrant sable that isn't too sweet. Recovers 1000 HP / Cures poison Food Regular (Sen Item).png Sweet Cookie
A homemade cookie that's a little rough round the edges. Recovers 700 HP Food Attack (Sen Item).png Ooze Cookie
An unusually-colored poisonous cookie. Attack (Set) - Area (S) Food Unique (Sen Item).png White Cookie (Alisa)
A high-class cookie with luxurious white chocolate inside. Restores 800 HP / Cures poison / burn Whole Juice
丸絞りジュース Starberry x 1

Honey Syrup x 1

Clear Gelatin x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Golden Juice
A miraculous mixed juice that radiates a gold color. Recovers 1200 HP / Cures K.O. Food Regular (Sen Item).png Whole Juice
A high-class juice made from squeezed whole fruits. Recovers 1000 HP / Cures faint Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Yellow Liquid
A mysterious yellow liquid made up of liquefied orbal energy. Restores 100 EP Food Unique (Sen Item).png Wild Mix (Fie)
A mixed juice made by randomly adding ingredients. Recovers 1000 HP / Restores 50 EP /Cures faint / confuse Tomato Sandwich
トマトサンド Crisp Onion x 1

Acerbic Tomato x 1

Assorted Grain x 1

Red Beast Flesh x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Elegant Sandwich
A sandwich made from the freshest ingredients money can buy. Recovers 1800 HP / Restore 20 CP Food Regular (Sen Item).png Tomato Sandwich
A sandwich containing freshly picked tomatoes. Recovers 1500 HP / Restore 10 CP Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Bitter Sandwich
A highly bitter sandwich. You either love it or hate it. Recovers 100 HP / Restore 40 CP Food Unique (Sen Item).png Victory Sandwich (Machias)
A sandwich made with plenty of meat. Fills you with energy. Recovers 1500 HP / Restores 25 CP / STR +25% (3 turns) Savory Herb Tea
味わいハーブティー Fresh Herb x 1

Honey Syrup x 1

Healthy Liquor x 1

Clear Gelatin x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Aromatic Tea
A luxurious cup of tea with a full-bodied fragrance. Recovers 2000 HP / Cures Seal / Mute Food Regular (Sen Item).png Savory Herb Tea
A flavorful herb tea containing a blend of different herbs. Recovers 1200 HP / Cures Seal Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Brown Liquid
Liquid with an odd smell. Made up of liquefied orbal energy. Restores 200 EP Food Unique (Sen Item).png Nord Tea (Gaius)
A variety of herb tea loved by the people of Nord. Recovers 1600 HP / SPD +25% (3 Turns) Creamy Chowder
クリーミーチャウダー Fresh Milk x 1

Mature Cheese x 1

Flaky Potato x 1

White Beast flesh x 1

Chitinous Shell x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Jewel Potage
A thick potage that shines like a high-class gemstone. Recovers 2400 HP / Cures freeze Food Regular (Sen Item).png Creamy Chowder
A thick, creamy seafood stew. Recovers 1400 HP / Cures freeze Food Attack (Sen Item).png Frozen Soup
Soup so cold, it freezes your whole body. Magic Attack - (Set) - Area (S) (Power C) - Freeze (50%) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Deluxe Herb Chowder (Jusis)
Full of ingredients. The herbs' aroma whets the appetite. Recovers 2000 HP Cures poison / blind / burn / freeze Berry Tart
ベリータルト Fresh Egg x 1

Starberry x 1

Honey Syrup x 1

Assorted Grains x 1

Clear Gelatin x 1

Hearty Powder x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Luxury Tart
A luxurious tart topped with a variety of different fruits. Recovers 2800 HP / Cures petrify Food Regular (Sen Item).png Berry Tart
A sweet and sour tart topped with plenty of fresh berries. Recovers 1800 HP / Cures petrify Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Elementart
A simple yet stylish tart. Recovers 1200 HP / ATS +25% (5 Turns) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Soft Chocolate Tart (Emma)
Uses only the finest chocolate. Looks as good as it tastes. Recovers 2400 HP / Cures freeze / petrify Milk Porridge
ミルク粥 Fresh Milk x 1

Mature Cheese x 1

Flaky Potato x 1

Assorted Grains x 1

White Beast Flesh x 1

Chitinous Shell x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Nord Porridge
Milk porridge in a Nord style. Fills you with energy. Recovers 2600 HP / DEF & ADF +25% (5 turns) Food Regular (Sen Item).png Milk Porridge
Healthy, warming porridge with a hint of sweetness. Recovers 1800 HP / DEF & ADF +25% (3 turns) Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Soggy Porridge
Porridge that has a little too much moisture. Recovers 800 HP / DEF & ADF +50% (3 turns) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Three Cheese Risotto (Laura)
A perfectly crafted risotto containing a variety of cheeses. Recovers 1200 HP / STR & ATS +25% (5 turns) Crispy Pizza
クリスピーピザ Fresh Herb x 1

Mature Cheese x 1

Crisp Onion x 1

Assorted Grains x 1

Red Beast Flesh x 1

Hearty Powder x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Special Pizza
A pizza made from a perfect harmony of ingredients and sauces. Recovers 2000 HP / Restores 25 CP / Cures stat down Food Regular (Sen Item).png Crispy Pizza
Crispy mixed pizza topped with fragrant, mildly burned cheese. Recovers 1200 HP / Restores 15 CP Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Mirror Pizza
A circular pizza with a strange shine to it. Restores 50 CP / Magic Reflect (Once) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Teriyaki Chicken Pizza (Rean)
An Eastern-style chicken pizza with plenty of flavorful sauce. Recovers 2400 HP / Restore 25 CP / DEF / SPD +25% (3 Turns) Roasted Coffee
焙煎コーヒー Fresh Herb x 1

Assorted Grains x 1

Clear Gelatin x 1

Globby Fat x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Premium Coffee
The perfect coffee. Made from meticulously selected beans. Recovers 3000 HP / Cures sleep / nightmare Food Regular (Sen Item).png Roasted Coffee
Highly fragrant coffee for the discerning adult. Recovers 1600 HP / Cures sleep / nightmare Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Black Liquid
A black liquid made up of liquefied orbal energy. Restores 250 EP Food Unique (Sen Item).png Double Espresso (Machias)
A special kind of espresso made with rare, dark-roasted beans. Recovers 2400 HP, Cures sleep / nightmare / faint / confuse Tomato Gratin
トマトグラタン Mature Cheese x 1

Flaky Potato x 1

Acerbic Tomato x 1

Globby Fat x 1

Hearty Powder x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Melted Gratin
The ultimate gratin, coated in a layer of melted cheese. Recovers 2800 HP / Restores 40 CP Food Regular (Sen Item).png Tomato Gratin
A deliciously sweet tomato gratin. Recovers 2400 HP / Restores 20 CP Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Magma Gratin
A gratin with a surface that boils like magma. Recovers 200 HP / Restores 50 CP Food Unique (Sen Item).png Whole Pumpkin Gratin (Emma)
A gratin full of pumpkin, served in a hollowed-out pumpkin. Recovers 2800 HP / Restores 40 CP, ATS +50% (3 turns) Fried Fish
フィッシュフライ Fresh Eggs x 1

Coarse Rock Salt x 1

Assorted Grains x 1

Globby Fat x 1

White Beast Flesh x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Elegant Fried Fish
An elegant fried fish in a fragrant, delicious batter. Recovers 4000 HP / SPD +25% (5 Turns) Food Regular (Sen Item).png Fried Fish
A crunchy and fresh fried fish. One is enough to satisfy you. Recovers 3000 HP / SPD +25% (3 Turns) Food Attack (Sen Item).png Roasted Fry-up
Fry-up that was fried so much, it bursts into flames. Attack (Set) - Area (S) (Power C) Burn (50 %) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Fish Nuggets (Fie)
Charmingly bite-sized nuggets of fried fish. Recovers 3600 HP / SPD +50% (3 Turns) Custard Pudding
カスタードプリン Fresh Eggs x 1

Fresh Milk x 1

Honey Syrup x 1

Clear Gelatin x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Wobbly Pudding
A thick yet delicate wobbly pudding. Recovers 2600 HP / ATS & ADF +25% (5 Turns) Food Regular (Sen Item).png Custard Pudding
A simple, run-of-the-mill pudding with a distinctive taste. Recovers 1800 HP / ATS & ADF +25% (3 Turns) Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Egg Custard Pudding
Eastern-styled pudding. Seems ordinary until you take a bite. Recovers 600 HP / Insight (5 turns) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Quartet Pudding (Elliot)
A carefully crafted pudding with four perfectly fused sauces. Recovers 1400 HP / STR,DEF,ATS,ADF +25% (4 Turns) Refreshing Pasta Soup
涼風スープパスタ Fresh Herb x 1

Coarse Rock Salt x 1

Assorted Grains x 1

Healthy Liquor x 1

White Beast Flesh x 1

Chitinous Shell x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Celestial Pasta Soup
Has a refreshing taste that makes you think of the blue sky. Recovers 3000 HP / Restores 150 EP / Cures burn Food Regular (Sen Item).png Refreshing Pasta Soup
A pasta soup that fills your mouth with a refreshing aroma. Recovers 2600 HP / Restores 50 EP / Cures burn Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Colorless Noodles
Simple noodles with none of the taste of their ingredients. Recovers 2400 HP / STR & SPD +25% (3 turns) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Deluxe Herb Pasta (Jusis)
Herb pasta known for its unique, addictive fragrance. Recovers 1800 HP / Restores 100 EP / Cures abnormal status Hashed Beef Rice
軍式ハヤシライス Crisp Onion x 1

Flaky Potato x 1

Acerbic Tomato x 1

Assorted Grains x 1

Healthy Liquor x 1

Red Beast Flesh x 2

Globby Fat x 2

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Noble Demi-Glace Rice
Rice in a flavorful, mellow demi-glace sauce. Recovers 5000 HP / Restores 15 CP / ATS & SPD +25% (3 turns) Food Regular (Sen Item).png Hashed Beef Rice
A meal served once a week in the Imperial Army. Recovers 3000 HP / Restores 10 CP / SPD +25% (3 turns) Food Attack (Sen Item).png Hampering Rice
Hashed beef rice that's too sticky to actually eat. Attack (Set) - Area (S) (Power B) Delay +20 Food Unique (Sen Item).png Artistic Omurice (Millium)
A playful omelet with a picture drawn in sauce on top of it. Recovers 3600 HP / Restores 20 CP / DEF & ADF +50% (3 turns) Stamina Steak
スタミナステーキ Fresh Herb x 1

Coarse Rock Salt x 1

Red Beast Flesh x 1

Chitinous Shell x 1

Hearty Powder x 1

Globby Fat x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Marbled Steak
An exquisite steak that melts in the mouth. Recovers 5600 HP / STR & DEF +25% (5 turns) Food Regular (Sen Item).png Stamina Steak
A steak with added spices to stimulate your appetite. Recovers 3600 HP / STR & DEF +25% (3 turns) Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Adamantine Steak
A lump of meat that's as hard as rock. Recovers 1000 HP / Physical Immunity (once) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Juicy Kebab (Gaius)
A kebab bursting with juices, with delicious-smelling sauce. Recovers 5200 HP / STR +50% (5 turns) Tomato Cocktail
トマトカクテル Fresh Herb x 1

Starberry x 1

Acerbic Tomato x 1

Honey Syrup x 1

Healthy Liquor x 2

Chitinous Shell x 1

Clear Gelatin x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Miraculous Cocktail
A vividly-red non-alcoholic cocktail. Recovers 3200 HP / Restores 45 CP Food Regular (Sen Item).png Tomato Cocktail
A healthy, non-alcoholic cocktail made with acerbic tomatoes. Recovers 2600 HP / Restores 30 CP Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Red Liquid
Liquefied orbal energy. Has a pungent smell. Restores 300 EP / 45 CP Food Unique (Sen Item).png Red Hot Soda (Crow)
A stimulating drink that gets its taste from the spices used. Recovers 2200 HP / Restores 60 CP Mixed Gelato
ミックスジェラート Fresh Egg x 2

Starberry x 2

Fresh Milk x 2

Fresh Herb x 2

Honey Syrup x 1

Hearty Powder x 1

Clear Gelatin x 2

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Heavenly Gelato
Gelato containing a variety of flavors in perfect harmony. Recovers 3200 HP / Restores 150 EP / Cures K.O. Food Regular (Sen Item).png Mixed Gelato
Gelato made with a perfect balance of different flavors. Recovers 2000 HP / Restores 100 EP / Cures K.O. Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Wonder Gelato
A mysterious, very soft to the touch gelato. Recovers 500 HP / Restores 150 EP / Cures abnormal status / stat down Food Unique (Sen Item).png Salty Gelato (Laura)
A pretty blue salted gelato. As nice to look at as to eat. Recovers 2500 HP / Restores 50 EP & 25 CP / Cures K.O. Filling Hotpot
満腹寄せ鍋 Coarse Rock Salt x 1

Healthy Liquor x 1

Red Beast Flesh x 1

White Beast Flesh x 1

Chitinous Shell x 1

Globby Fat x 1

Clear Gelatin x 1

Hearty Powder x 1

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Ultimate Hotpot
The ultimate hotpot. Piled high with ingredients. Recovers 12000 HP / STR, ATS, SPD +50% (3 turns) Food Regular (Sen Item).png Filling Hotpot
A filling hotpot that's bursting with meat and vegetables. Recovers 7000 HP / STR, ATS, SPD +25% (3 turns) Food Peculiar (Sen Item).png Enigmatic Hotpot
A mysterious hotpot. It smells dangerous. Restores 500 EP, CP +100 or near death Food Unique (Sen Item).png Hurricane Hotpot (Rean)
A simple, flavorful hot pot made using delicious stock. Recovers 2500 HP / Restores 150 EP /45 CP / STR & SPD +50% (5 turns) Handmade Hamburger
手ごねハンバーグ Fresh Egg x 1

Fresh Herb x 1

Red Beast Flesh x 2

Crisp Onion x 1

Acerbic Tomato x 1

Coarse Rock Salt x 1

Globby Fat x 1

Hearty Powder x 2

Food Superb (Sen Item).png Imperial Hamburger
A lord among hamburgers that fills you with energy. Recovers 10000 HP / STR & DEF +50% (3 turns) Food Regular (Sen Item).png Handmade Hamburger
A delicious hamburger with a hand-shaped patty. Recovers 7000 HP / STR & DEF +25% (3 turns) Food Attack (Sen Item).png Dangerous Meatball
A highly volatile meatball that explodes on impact. Attack (Set) - Area (M) (Power A) Faint (50%) Food Unique (Sen Item).png Mixed Hamburger Dish (Alisa)
A dish perfectly balanced for variety and nutrition. Recovers 8000 HP / Restores 150 EP & 30 CP / ATS & ADF +50% (5 turns)


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